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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

How to Place An Ad

Please email your ad copy to us at classified@thebee.com and we’ll start your ad in the next issue.

Payment must be received by the specified deadline before the ad can appear in the current issue. Cash, check or credit card. Call us at 203-426-3141.

All classified ads will appear in both The Newtown Bee and The Bee Extra and on our website, www.NewtownBee.com, giving you complete coverage of Newtown’s homes and businesses.

Please include in your email:
Email Address
Ad Category
Run Date
Ad Text Content


Real Estate, Tuesday 10 am; Classified, Wednesday 1 pm.


Classified: 1-15 words, $11.35; 16-30 words, $12.40; 31-50 words, $13.30; 51-100 words, $15.50; 101-150 words $25.00.

Classified Display: $12.50 per column inch.
The classified display ad text can be upper case, large bold and centered throughout the ad.