Integrity And Honesty
Integrity And Honesty
To the Editor:
Yesterday I mailed a package from the Newtown Post Office, and paid for the charges with a check. I must have left my checkbook on the table as I filled out the card to send it to Afghanistan.
Not realizing this, I left and went about my day. Last night when I went to write a check, I did not have my checkbook.
As you can imagine, I was very nervous about that and first thing this morning I went back to the post office. Chris had my checkbook, which someone turned in! He did not know their name but I can tell you I am extremely grateful to that person. If you should read this thank you, and would like to identify yourself so I can personally show you my appreciation, please call me. In the meantime, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your integrity and honesty. May God Bless You.
Marie Sturdevant
36 Hearthstone Drive, Brookfield                                 June 5, 2012