The Master Plan In Brief
The Master Plan In Brief
*New town hall building or renovation of existing building for town and Board of Education offices
*Twelve playing fields including ten new fields and two existing fields
*Building demolition and environmental remediation to accomplish activities listed above
*Opportunity for use of Plymouth Hall or new building for indoor recreation facility or for senior center, cultural, and other community uses
*Opportunity use of Bridgeport Hall for community assembly events and related uses such as Friends of the Library Book Sale within privately operated building
*Opportunity for high school academy on Kent House site and alternative high school program at location to be determined based on size of enrollment
*Open space within 134-acre land banked, open space, and recreation area
*Opportunities for private use of several existing buildings
*Provision of parking, circulation improvements, and infrastructure necessary to support plan
*Basic plan activities can be accomplished within the limits of a bond authorization approved at a June 2001 town meeting
*Entire campus remains under control of the town through its Planning and Zoning Commission to assure conformance with the plan and appropriate design