Saturday, July 20
Saturday, July 20
Newtown High School Chorus Car Wash, 9 am to 4 pm (weather permitting), Botsford Fire House, Main Street South, Route 25, free iced tea and lemonade, no charge for car wash but donations will benefit NHS Chorusâs 2003 trip to perform in Austria.
Sunday, July 21
Matinee of The Country Wife, curtain 2 pm, The Little Theatre, Orchard Hill Road, all seats $10, Town Players of Newtown production of William Wycherleyâs 1675 comedy; 270-9144.
Monday, July 22
Board of Fire Commissioners, 7:30 pm, Dodgingtown Firehouse, Dodgingtown Road, Dodgingtown.
Newtown Pension Committee, 7:30 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, public invited.
Tuesday, July 23
Public Building and Site Commission, 6:30 pm, Booth Library, 25 Main Street.
Wednesday, July 24
Town meeting on a $1.9 million proposal to upgrade the townâs emergency communicationâs system, 7:30 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.
Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN) meeting, 1:30 pm, Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street, free and open to nonmembers, acrylic landscape demonstration by Charles A. Ray; 426-6654.
Conservation Commission, 7:30 pm, Canaan House, Fairfield Hills.
Thursday, July 25
âBeat The Heat & Its Stressâ workshop, 1 pm, Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, free workshop presented by CL&P will include info on recognizing symptoms of heat stress and how to prevent related illnesses, registration requested; 270-4310.
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7 pm, Canaan House, Fairfield Hills.
Water Pollution Control Authority, 7:30 pm, sewage treatment plant, Commerce Road.
Friday, July 26
The Country Wife performance, curtain 8 pm, The Little Theatre, Orchard Hill Road, all seats $12, Town Players of Newtownâs popular production (four sold-out performances already) of William Wycherleyâs 1675 comedy continues through July 28; 270-9144.