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It looks like the Legislative Council’s Ordinance Committee, which is studying the need for an “Injured Cats Pickup Ordinance” is going to widen the scope of its study. Committee member Kurt Schneider said that perhaps the committee should not “draw the line at cats,” and should examine the need not only for rescuing injured cats but also for aiding domestic animals — “and cattle, for that matter.”


The Connecticut Association of Realtors, through the Newtown Board of Realtors, has donated 140 flags to the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be placed on the graves of Newtown’s veterans for the Memorial Day holiday. Commander Richard Bussmann of the VFW said there are 17 cemeteries around Newtown where the flags will be placed.


Newtown will celebrate the completion of the David Merrell mural with a reception on Sunday, May 18, 1 to 3 pm, in the Edmond Town Hall. The artist will be present to talk about the two-year project and members of the Mural Fund Committee will be on hand to meet visitors.

May 19, 1961

For an industrial “best foot forward,” the new factory-laboratory of the Heise Bourdon Tube Co., Inc, on Route 25 is a model, both in exterior and interior appearance and function. Exterior walls are made of Mo-Sai, a new stone made in hollow blocks and filled with fiberglass. This material has solid quartz embedded in white cement, which results in a dazzling white building.


At the urgent request of the Newtown Board of Selectmen the State Traffic Commission agreed this Thursday morning to lower the posted speed limit through Newtown’s Main Street from 35 to 30 miles per hour. The Board of Selectman, in the interest of safety, had requested a 25-mile per hour limit.


The Rev Harold G. Newsham, 65, Associate Minister of the Newtown Congregational Church, died unexpectedly at his home, Monday evening. The Rev Newsham had been working in his yard, came into his house to rest up, and died of a sudden heart attack. He was called to the Newtown Congregational Church on September 20, 1960, and was greatly beloved by the members. In his short time in Newtown, he and Mrs Newsham made a great many friends.


Work has been progressing for some time at the Queen Street Shopping Center on the parking area, enlarging the entrance and exit drives, installing curbing for a new esplanade between the Post Office and the new building of the Connecticut National Bank. Landscaping is being completed so that the entire Shopping Center will be in fine condition for the opening of the new building of the Connecticut National Bank on Monday, May 29.


May 15, 1936

Early May sunshine brings out the leaves and blossoms, but it also brings out a host of insect pests. Again the white webs of tent caterpillars are appearing. State Entomologist W.E. Britton has already received many calls for help. Only two control methods are practical. “Lead arsenate with or without nicotine, lime-sulfur or Bordeaux mixture applied to the foliage will kill the caterpillars,” he says. The second method, is removing the tents containing the caterpillars from the trees. Pests are then destroyed by stamping under foot or by dipping in a mix of kerosene and water.


During the heavy electrical storm on Saturday, Albert Hvirnak of South Center district had a valuable cow killed by the lightning.


Connecticut students of high school age may expect to receive instruction in the principles of street and highway safety and automobile operation as a part of their school curriculum in the future. An outline for such a course of study has been prepared and is being published in pamphlet form by the Department of Education.


A meeting of the traffic committee of the Chamber of Commerce was held, last Friday evening, when William C. Hansen of the State Motor Vehicle Department at Hartford attended. The control of traffic in front of the Hawley school, which is a matter for the town of Newtown to regulate, was discussed at great length, though no definite action was taken, principally because of the fact that necessary funds for providing “School Zone” signs and proper police patrol to enforce them, did not seem to be available.


May 19, 1911

Farms! Farms! Farm 105 acres, 2 houses, one 9 rooms, one 7 rooms, 2 barns and other buildings, all in good repair; never failing water; nice young orchard: $4,000. One Farm, 45 acres, 7 room house barn, young orchard, $1,600. One Farm, 60 acres, large 9 room house, barn, in good repair, $3,000. M.D. BEERS, Tel. 45-12, Sandy Hook, Conn.


In a remarkable anniversary that has been quietly celebrated in Sandy Hook, this week, that of Rev Otis O. Wright, for 20 years the esteemed and beloved rector of St John’s church. Mr Wright’s ministry extends beyond his parish and to the whole community. To him belongs the honor of having the longest pastorate of any denomination in town for 20 years.


There is a very dangerous hole in a sluice in the road north from Norman B. Glover’s house. It has been in that condition for nearly two months. It should be repaired at once.


Have you seen the foxes? If you have not, just take a trip down to Wakelee’s Garage. Boys and girls, as well as grown people, are cordially invited to come. Mr Wakelee has two cute little red foxes in a cage and is going to tame them. Mr Wakelee dug them out from their burrow on the farm of William N. Northrop on Sugar Street.

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