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It's 2011: Do You Know Where Your Goals Are?



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It’s 2011: Do You Know Where Your Goals Are?

NORWALK — The beginning of a New Year is the perfect time for business owners to reevaluate goals and get a clear picture of where they are and where they would like to be in the achievement of their goals for their businesses and their lives.

The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Network (EWN) is pleased to have Jane Pollak kick off the New Year as the speaker for its January 2011 Luncheon. The event will take place from noon to 2 pm on Wednesday, January 19, at the Norwalk Inn & Conference Center, 99 East Avenue.

Ms Pollak exemplifies how being a member of the Entrepreneurial Woman’s Network can turn a passion into a thriving business. In 1989 as a member of EWN, she started her career in the unlikely field of egg decoration.

Now she is a successful entrepreneur, professional public speaker, author, and business coach. Ms Pollak was also the EWN president in 1996–1997.

Her story is an odyssey that led her from remote crafts fairs and customer rejections to an invitation to the White House and appearances on NBC’s Today Show. National publications started featuring Ms Pollak’s artwork as early as 1985.

Her passion gradually shifted to coaching other creative professionals and helping them achieve greater success. In addition to being a certified professional co-active coach, she offers a unique vantage point because of her success in transforming her art into a profitable business.

This fall Ms Pollak rereleased her book, Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, with updated lessons .

On January 19, Ms Pollak plans to talk to the EWN audience about goal-setting.

Cost to attend this event is $33 for members (plus an additional $5 “walk-in” fee for members if not preregistered) and $39 for nonmembers. Registrations will be accepted on a “space available basis” and must be made online at www.ewn-ct.org. 

For more information, contact the EWN Administrator at 203-222-3404 or through EWN’s website.

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