Carolee Mason Still Needs Our Support
Carolee Mason Still Needs
Our Support
To the Editor:
Eight weeks ago, Carolee Mason was reinstated as Newtownâs animal control officer. Since that reinstatement, Carolee has spent all her time in training. She says it has been an excellent learning process for both her and the police department.
On Monday, Carolee was summoned to a meeting with First Selectman Joe Borst and Police Chief Michael Kehoe and offered the kennel keeperâs position! In the best interests of Newtown, this is absolutely unacceptable.
Please make every effort to attend the selectmenâs meeting on Monday, August 24, at 7:30 pm at the C.H. Booth Library. Carolee Mason continues to need our support.
Sherry Paisley
38 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook                  August 19, 2009