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Natural Gas Lines Coming To Sandy Hook?



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To the Editor:

As a Sandy Hook homeowner I am contacting [Sandy Hook residents] today to let you know that there is the possibility of natural gas coming to our area within certain areas within the next year.

If you are  considering changing over your existing oil or other heat source to gas, please make a call to this toll free number 1-888-292-6533 in support of this. This may affect only certain neighborhoods so be prepared to give them your address when you make the call.

PURA, the former Department of Public Utility Control, has informed me that “IF” they get enough calls, and sufficient interest from the Sandy Hook community, they may be able to run gas lines to our area in the foreseeable future. I suggest if you have an interest in this to please get involved.

Thank you.

Barbara Germak

Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook             October 10, 2013

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