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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Fun With Rocking Roosters; Additional Events Planned



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Rocking Roosters Square Dance Club hosted the first of two planned Fun Night events on September 15. Club members were joined by a people who were interested in learning about the club and/or brushing up on their square dancing skills.

A second Fun Night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 22, 7:30-9:10 pm, at the Masonic Hall at 3 Washington Avenue in Sandy Hook.

The club also has an exhibition performance planned for Friday, September 18, from 8-10:30 pm, at NYA Sports & Fitness Center, 4 Primrose Street. There is no charge for either event.

“This is the time of year that we are looking for people who would love the art of dancing as we do,” said longtime club member Martha Millet. “Join us and see if you would like to dance with us.”

Call Martha Millett or Marty Maciag, 203-426-4817, for additional information about the events or the club.

Rocking Roosters Square Dance Club, based in Newtown, held the first of two Fun Nights on September 15 at the Masonic Temple in Sandy Hook.
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