Christmas Schedule And Events At NCC
Christmas Schedule
And Events At NCC
Two mitten trees, Care Bears, and Advent greenery will set the tone for the holiday festivities at the Newtown Congregational Church this weekend. The Christian Education Committee is asking youngsters to bring a new stuffed animal for the Care Bears Program this Sunday during the greening of the church. The animals will be brought to the front of the church during the childrenâs message and will later be given to a local childrenâs hospital.
The mitten trees, one in the Sunday School and one in the Narthex, will be for gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats for children in need. Also there will be a Tag-a-gift tree in the Narthex for donations to families for Christmas.
Wreaths will be sold by the Womenâs Fellowship following the greening and after and before the luncheon. Last week the Womenâs Fellowship sponsored a âNo Bake, Bake Sale.â They gave out small pocket sized aprons with a message inside and asked for donations for the Fellowship projects.
Advent Bible studies begin on Sunday morning at 9 am in the choir loft in the back of the Sanctuary. The study will be based on Night Visions by Jan Richardson. Topics will be Darkness, Isaiah 64:7 and Luke 21:25-36; Desire, Philippians 1:8 and Luke 3:1-6; Preparing a Space, Matthew 11:10 and Luke 3:7-18; and Hope, Luke 1:45 and 1:39-56. The Rev Janice Touloukian, Associate Minster, will be leading this study.
Other Bible studies are on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm in the library of the church house, and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary. All are welcome.
Christmas Eve services will include the regular 10 am morning worship, a 5 pm Childrenâs Pageant, and two Candlelight Worship Services at 7:30 and 11 pm.