Gratitude And Congratulations From Carney
Gratitude And
Congratulations From Carney
To The Editor:
   Election 2001 is now a piece of history. I congratulate my opponent, Herb Rosenthal, and wish him nothing but the best for the future. My congratulations, also, to the victors of the other varied elected offices.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people of Newtown who helped and supported me throughout this election season. Campaigning has afforded me the opportunity to renew many friendships, make many new acquaintances, and to learn first-hand of the hopes and dreams of my fellow Newtowners. Hopes and dreams which I had desired to bring people closer to.
The list of individuals to whom I would like to express my sincerest gratitude would conceivably require a special edition of The Bee to list all of them. I would be remiss, however, if I didnât say that this campaign would not have been possible without the aid, counsel, and guidance of my running mate and friend, Bill Brimmer, my campaign co-chairs Andy Willie and Joe McGowan, RTC chair Marie Sturdevant, and Rep Julia Wasserman. My special thanks to them and to the myriad of unseen people working in the background and foreground, without whom none of this would have been possible.
Most importantly, and I certainly cannot stress this enough, Thank You Newtown!
Owen D. Carney
81 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook    November 7, 2001