Jordan Hill Needs To Be Fixed
Jordan Hill Needs To Be Fixed
To the Editor:
Do you know Jordan Hill Road? Most people do. So do the GPS, and the commuters and truckers; they use it as a cut-through from Routes 34 and 111. There is a one-lane reailroad bridge underpass â too low for large trucks to travel under. Eighteen wheelers using their GPS try to cut through and wind up having to back up the narrow road, or into our driveways to escape back to Route 34. Meanwhile, taking out our mailboxes, hitting trees, digging up our gravel driveways, and gumming up our school bus traffic.
The bus drivers cannot come down our road to pick up/drop off the kids due to major safety issues. Be it the snowfall problems where commuters got stuck or caused accidents that prohibited our school bus traffic. Or like this morning because our road is washed away. Literally three-foot sink holes in the road from the deluge of rain caused the river that flows under Jordan Hill to open up in the middle and edges. Among the six families on Jordan Hill, we populate three bus runs. The kids getting on and off the school buses safely is a number one priority.
Jordan Hill needs to be fixed with proper drainage from the river and we need a sign at the Route 34 side stating âlow under pass â no thru trucks.â And common courtesy from the commuters who cut through to please slow down for the safety of our children.
Marcia Hobar
10 Jordan Hill Road, Sandy Hook                               March 7, 2011