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National Groundhog Job Shadow Day 2001



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National Groundhog Job Shadow Day 2001

HARTFORD — Connecticut Learns, the state’s School to Career initiative, is now accepting applications from Connecticut schools and business interested in participating in next year’s national Groundhog Job Shadow Day on February 2, 2001.

Groundhog Job Shadow Day is a nationwide effort to introduce young people to the world of work. In 2000, more than one million young people and 75,000 businesses participated. In Connecticut, 2,048 students and 1,249 businesses, state and community organizations participated. Also, 141 teachers in Connecticut were involved in Groundhog Job Shadow Day externships to see how their discipline is being applied in the real world.

The event gives kids a chance to explore various careers beyond what their parents may do for a living. Additionally, the event provides an opportunity for students to be exposed to various career options they might not have the chance to explore otherwise. A study by the Kravis Leadership Institute in Southern California shows that students who job shadow are more likely to finish high school and obtain a four-year degree.

The Connecticut Learns School-to-Career initiative is a combination of high academic standards, career exploration and development, and work-based learning opportunities for students to assist and prepare them for future careers. Groundhog Job Shadow Day 2001 is a joint effort of American Society of Association Executives, sponsored by Monster.com and News Corporation.

For more information, Connecticut schools and businesses can call the State Department of Education at 860/807-2102.

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