A Class Act
A Class Act
To the Editor:
This past weekend those who attended the SWC Wrestling Championships at Brookfield High School were able to witness the caliber of men that the Newtown Athletic Department and community should be proud of. During a crucial moment of a semifinal match in the 171-pound weight class, Newtown wrestler Cory Fisher initiated a series of moves that, once completed, placed him in the lead with four seconds remaining in the match. The points were awarded and the Newtown wrestler was on his way to a chance to win an SWC Championship. But wait; a timeout was called, conversations between referees took place, further conversations with the coaches ensued and when it was all over, much to the dismay of the spectators, the score suddenly no longer favored the Newtown wrester. How could this happen screamed many in the stands! One would think that was the whole story, that a travesty occurred, and not in that young manâs favor.
However the story concludes to a wonderful ending. No, Cory Fisher was not awarded the win, but what he did gain was the respect and admiration of not only his teammates and fellow wrestlers throughout the SWC, but also many of the parents, coaches as they witness a classy response.
Cory Fisher promptly went back to the center of the mat, where he shook his opponents hand with no anger or hostility. He walked off the mat calmly and carefully took care of his business of keeping his emotions in check. He was being watch by hundreds of eyes at that moment, many waiting for him to react. But he did not. At least not in the way many expected him to. He came back to the stands to a rousing applause not only by the Newtown wrestling contingent, but by the many other parents and teams. Cory Fisher showed us that class and dignity as well as his respect for the referees decision far outweighed a win in that moment. If this is the kind of young men that we are raising in Newtown, then I am very proud to be raising my kids in this town.
Much continued success to Cory Fisher!
Curtis Urbina
5 Camelot Crest, Sandy Hook                               February 14, 2011