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Shamanic Journey Workshop At IAIS



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Shamanic Journey Workshop At IAIS

WASHINGTON — “Path of the Heart: A Shamanic Journey Workshop” will be held at the Institute for American Indian Studies, over two Saturdays, July 22 and August 5. The workshop will introduce participants to the direct revelatory experience of the “Shamanic Journey,” an ancient ecstatic technique of interacting with spirit.

Participants will learn how to safely focus their intentions to explore the non-ordinary realms of Lowerworld and Upperworld in order to seek the guidance, insight, and healing needed to bring themselves and their communities back into balance and harmony.

Presenters will be Meg Bowles, Missy Stevens, and Jane Vern. The three have studied under Michael Harner and others. Combined, their years of study and experience in Shamanism represent over 30 years.

Workshop hours will be 10:30 am to 4 pm both days, with registration starting at 10 am on July 22. The fee for the workshop is $150 per person.

Reservations must be made no later than July 16. Call 860/868-0518. The institute is at 38 Curtis Road.

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