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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Trees For Trout Collection, January 7



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Readers are invited to support the annual Trees for Trout collection event.

Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited and Pootatuck Watershed Association will ecocycle Christmas trees, utilizing them in their stream bank stabilization projects in 2023. These trees will help reduce erosion and create refuge habitat for juvenile trout and other aquatic life.

This year’s collection event is scheduled for Saturday, January 7, 9 am to 1 pm, at the Deep Brook kiosk, on Old Farm Road beyond Newtown Park & Bark.

Suggested donation is $10 and additional details can be found at cvtu.org.

Readers are invited to support the annual Trees for Trout collection event co-hosted by Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited and Pootatuck Watershed Association.
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