Looking For The Cheese
Looking For The Cheese
To the Editor:
I again bring to your attention US Senator Tom Coburn, MD (R-OK), yearly publication on waste spending by Congress. This yearâs Wastebook 2011 is just as bad as last year:
a. $75,000 to promote awareness about the role Michigan plays in Christmas trees and poinsettias,
b. $15.3 million for the infamous bridge to nowhere (Alaska),
c. $113 million for video game preservation center in New York,
d. $550 thousand for a documentary about how rock music contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union,
e. $48,700 for second annual Hawaii Chocolate Festival to promote Hawaiiâs chocolate industry,
f. $10 million for a remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan.
I suggest you google Senator Coburnâs Wastebook 2011 for more fun and enjoyment. Read it at the dinner table to enlighten yourself on how our wonderful elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Take it to work to educate your boss on why you need more money to pay for the âgreeningâ of America, send it in with your tax payment, and finally bring it to the voting booth to remind you of why you are there.
Still looking for the government cheese that was promised, see any lately?
John Karlson
167 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook                December 28, 2011