Life Is Good Chief Playmaker To Kick Off Avielle Foundation 2018 Brainstorm Experience
UPDATE (Thursday, January 4, 2018): Due to a snow storm that has the entire state under a Winter Storm Warning, this program is being postponed. A new date will be announced, according to a January 4, 2018 email from The Avielle Foundation.ÃÂ
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Steve Gross, founder and chief playmaker of the Life is Good Kids Foundation, will kick off TheÃÂ AvielleÃÂ Foundation's 2018 Brainstorm Experience Series.
The yearlong series will feature thought leaders, advocates, and celebrities from across society who offer unique perspectives on the care, science, strength, and vulnerability of the brain.
Mr Gross believes it is often the people who have faced the greatest challenges that gain an elevated sense of gratitude for life. He plans to fill Edmond Town Hall with this message: "How Joy and Optimism Ignite the Best in All of Us" on Thursday, January 4, at 6:30 pm.
Mr Goss is a leader in the field of psychological trauma response and a pioneer in utilizing playful engagement and meaningful relationships to overcome the devastating impact of early childhood trauma. He welcomed the Newtown Public School staff at a convocation last August, and there was interest in bringing him back so his message to be heard by the entire community.
This first segment in theÃÂ AvielleÃÂ Foundation Brainstorm Experience Series promises to stimulate playfulness and leave attendees with motivation to consider joining the ranks of Life is Good Playmakers across the globe.
Mr Gross's talents have been called upon to respond to some of the most significant catastrophes of our time, including the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes in Haiti and Japan. At the heart of his work, he helps others discover the power of optimism so that they can build resilience and bring greater joy, connection, courage, and creativity to their lives.
Other planned 2018 Brainstorm Experiences include (locations and other details TBA):
Wednesday, April 11: Dan Harris, ABC News correspondent,
Nightline anchor and author of 10% Happier and Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics;
Tuesday, May 15: Rosalind Wiseman, author of
The New York Times bestseller Queen Bees & Wannabes, the inspiration for the movie Mean Girls;
Tuesday, June 19: Jane Pauley, CBS News, " Living with Bipolar Disorder";
Friday, August 24: Bessel van der Kolk, MD, trauma expert, author of
The Body Keeps the Score; and
Saturday, August 25: the 6th Annual Newtown Yoga Fest.
Several more experiences will be announced in the near future.
The Brainstorm Experience is a yearlong series aiming to bring the Newtown community together in a stimulating and engaging environment where learning, connection, and inspiration provoke the imagination. These experiences will enhance understanding of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the brain.
For information on the Brainstorm Experience contact
Tickets are $15 for the individual show, $200 for the series. Purchase tickets at
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