Mr and Mrs Thomas J. Kish
Mr and Mrs Thomas J. Kish
Sharon Lee Bartolotta and Thomas Joseph Kish were married on August 1. The ceremony was held at their home, 51 Sugar Street in Newtown, with Mary Pugh officiating. The bride was given into marriage by Moustafa Wahab. The bride wore a simple white dress and carried a black flower bouquet.
Her matron of honor was Jean Puchalski of Easton, and she wore a simple black dress. Flower girls were Elizabeth Hadden of Danbury and Rachel and Hannah Cameras of Newtown.
Mr Kishâs parents are Ruth Kish of Brunswick, Maine, and the late Thomas Kish.
Mrs Kishâs parents are Mary Ann Graham of Tempe, Ariz., and Robert Bartolla of Arlington, Tenn. She graduated from Ansonia High School in 1990 and from the University of Connecticut in 2005. She is a graduate student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La.
Mr Kish is a graduate of Brien McMahon High School in Norwalk, Class of 1970. He is a retired employee of the City of Norwalk.
The couple honeymooned to Boston.