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Interfaith Council Is Still With Everyone On Mutual Journey



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To the Editor:

It was so good to see so many people in attendance for this year’s memorial celebration of the horrible event that took place at Sandy Hook School, 11 years ago. Newtown can be proud of its Interfaith Council that brings us together, each year, for this service.

Aware that several congregations were directly affected by the school shooting, it is important to know that our interfaith council continues to reach out to all families and people of Newtown, open to all services that touch each individual in a personal manner. The theme for this year’s gathering was “Companions on a Journey.” If we consider the words of the church hymn by the same name, we will have an idea where we hope to go with this thought. “We are companions on a journey, breaking bread and living life, and the hopes we bare and the thoughts we share….we believe in the love of our God.” As was reflected at this year’s gathering, the word companion has many synonyms, eg, benevolence, compassion, harmony, friendship, camaraderie, etc. But if we break the word down to the two Latin words from which it is derived, com (cum) and pan, we become aware of its deeper meaning , namely, “breaking bread,” both literally and figuratively, with another (or others.)

Hopefully, during the coming year, we will find occasion to host a meal, inviting the community, with conversation that will help us all move onward and upward in our mutual journey. People who participate would name the topics upon which we would focus. Watch for further notices in The Bee regarding these events.

Pastor Leo McIlrath

Sandy Hook

A letter from Pastor Leo McIlrath.
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