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No One Has The Right To Take Any Life, Deer Or Otherwise



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No One Has The Right To Take Any Life, Deer Or Otherwise

To the Editor:

I was sickened and disappointed to read an article about plans to cull the deer population in Newtown. Humans have always tried to assert their dominance and control situations, and by doing so have made a mess of this earth and are the direct result of its insanity. Human egos are what cause pain and suffering in this world, not wildlife. A degree from some Ivy League school does not qualify one to make a decision on who lives and who dies. We do not have the right to take a life. All life is valued by the source who created all living things. All life has a right to live peacefully and prosper, not just humans. If we had more compassion and dealt with situations with love, this would be a much different world than it is.

I read that one of the incentives to cull the deer population is because of the amount of vehicular accidents with deer. May I suggest that if people actually did the speed limit (25 mph) on the back roads, almost all accidents could be prevented. Even if a deer ran out into the road, you could stop on a dime if doing the speed limit. I cannot count the times I was almost hit by a car walking on the back roads of Newtown. So instead of murdering the innocents, we must take responsibility for our own actions and quit blaming everything else for bad things that happen to us. As for culling the deer population because they carry disease, all life carries disease, even humans. Disease is a part of nature and of this earth, accept it and move on. Interesting that in all my years, I’ve noticed that those who dwell on getting sick, usually always do, and those who don’t, rarely do.

Years ago my brother was a big hunter. Every year he went to Montana to hunt game. Then one day, he was in a near-fatal car accident. Now instead of hunting deer, he feeds them. It’s amazing how a tragedy can make you reevaluate your life and how you live it.

This is not an issue that should be decided on by a select few. All good residents of Newtown should make that determination. My vote on this issue is a resounding No.

And may I add in closing, that the “deer task force” take a moment and really think about what they are doing. To act with kindness and love in their heart, and use their energy by doing something positive such as living in harmony with the other rightful heirs (animals) of this earth. Leave us to nature and its grandeur and pristine beauty where animals and humans live side-by-side in peace and trust.

Laura Sutherland

6 Winslow Road, Newtown                                     December 22, 2008

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