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It comes every year and will go on forever. And along with Christmas belong the keepsakes and the customs. Those humble, every day things a mother clings to, and ponders, like Mary in the secret spaces of her heart.



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It comes every year and will go on forever. And along with Christmas belong the keepsakes and the customs. Those humble, every day things a mother clings to, and ponders, like Mary in the secret spaces of her heart.

 —Marjorie Holmes

Next to a circus, there ain’t nothing that picks up and tears out faster than the Christmas spirit.

 —Kin Hubbard

The threat of Christmas hung in the air, visible already in the fretful look of passersby as they readied themselves for the meaningless but necessary rites of false jovialities and ill-considered gifts.

 —Peter Dickinson

A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.

 —Garrison Keillor

Christmas is the one time of the year when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ.

 —Bart Simpson

Merry Christmas, Nearly Everybody!

 —Ogden Nash

Christmas is the day that holds all time together.

 —Alexander Smith

A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; / It makes no noise at all, / But softly gives itself away; / While quite unselfish, it grows small.

 —Eva K. Logue

I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year.  And thus, I drift along into the holidays — let them overtake me unexpectedly — waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself: “Why this is Christmas Day!”

 —David Grayson

That’s the true spirit of Christmas; people be helped by people other than me.

—Jerry Seinfeld

Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it “white.”

 —Bing Crosby

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