Recycling Reminders
Recycling Reminders
To the Editor:
Some helpful recycling tips for the winter and holiday season:
Please empty your recycling bins of all snow prior to setting out.
Please set out the night before pickup.
Card board boxes need to be flattened. If you have several pieces, please bundle with twine or you can put the flattened card board in the clear see-through plastic bags.
To avoid newspapers, magazines, cardboard pieces from being frozen inside of your bin, you can secure with string/twine into two-foot-by-two-foot-by-one-foot bundles in plastic bags next to the bin.
Not only will this give you more room for your recycled items 1 thru 7, it will also help keep such items contained should wind, animals, snowplows, or some other force of nature knock them over.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, and a Happy New Year.
Thank you.
Fred Pendergast
Pendergast Roll-Off Recycling Services
Newtown                                                                    December 19, 2011