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December 26, 1980



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December 26, 1980

(Issued as December 28, 1980)

Twenty local merchants have joined together this year to honor the first new baby born in 1981 to Newtown parents. Gifts range from savings accounts and bottles of spirit to haircuts and gasoline.


The undercroft of the United Methodist Church in Sandy Hook took on the appearance of a veritable workshop of Santa Claus just before Christmas Eve. Unlike the mythical St Nicholas and his elves, however, this is no whimsical vision, but a response to real human need. Last Saturday was depot day for the Christmas Basket program, run for the second year in a row by the Newtown Jaycee Wives.


Police are investigating leads to several robberies in the Jo-Mar Drive area, which began in September and continued until early December. Newtown Lt Michael DeJoseph said some of the losses were sizable, amounting to over $15,000.


Newtown’s Board of Selectmen has taken what may be the first step in creating a new social services department to deal with issues concerning the elderly and disadvantaged, but the members are clearly divided on just how it will be established. Under a preliminary proposal aired last week, in addition to the social worker, the selectmen are considering including the Commission on Aging in the social services department.


Mae Schmidle, state representative-elect from the 106th General Assembly District and Newtown’s town clerk, has received her legislative committee assignments. She will begin serving on the Government Administration and Elections Committee and the General Law Committee when the 1981 General Assembly convenes.


A decision handed down by a magistrate in the United States District Court is being questioned by Mark V. Oppenheimer, who in August 1979 filed a claim with federal court stating his constitutional rights were being denied by borough officials. Mr Oppenheimer’s complaint charge the borough with a violation of the US Constitution and of the 14th amendment for “arbitrarily and unreasonably applying unconstitutional and confiscatory zoning ordinances and policies” as he attempted to gain what he contends are “viable uses” of the 1869 mansion which he purchased in 1978.


As part of its effort to increase military preparedness through civilian marksmanship training, a Defense Department agency will conduct a lottery in January to select qualified purchasers for 600 M1 rifles. The rifles are highly prized by martial arms collectors, but the purchase requirements will insure that all will be sold to high power rifle competitors, especially junior shooters just starting their competitive careers.


The neighbor of a property which would serve as a site for subsurface sewage disposal for a contemplated 600,000 square foot industrial park in Hawleyville has filed an appeal in Fairfield County Superior Court, Danbury, seeking reversal of the Newtown Zoning Board of Appeals’ December 3 approval of variances to permit the disposal plan. The significance of the variance is that sites remote from the industrial property where the major development will go will be used for disposal of sewage.

December 30, 1955

As the year of 1955 fades off into history, its events, as recorded in the pages of The Bee, point up to the fact that this, the 250th year of Newtown, was a year of great historic significance for the community. It was a year in which history was a common topic of conversation, revolving around the anniversary celebration on August 6.


The decorations of three homes, two business places and Edmond Town Hall were awarded first places in Newtown’s Christmas Decorations Contest following the judging on Tuesday afternoon and evening. A special award went to St Rose Parish for the crèche arranged on the lawn in front of St Rose Church by the Junior CYO.


The father of two growing boys will speak out pointedly to other fathers, helping them to rate themselves as dads, at the annual Fathers Night program at the Newtown High School cafeteria. The speaker will be Dr William Schumacher, senior physician at the Fairfield State Hospital, a psychiatrist in various assignments in the US Navy medical service.


 A vacancy now exists for a male substitute clerk at the Newtown Post Office, according to Albert H. Nichols, postmaster. The position, to be filled through Civil Service, will offer a starting rate of $1.82 an hour.


Take Notice YOU CAN BUY A BRAND NEW 1956 DODGE CORONET 6 CLUB SEDAN FOR ONLY $2199.50 DELIVERED IN DANBURY Includes All Standard Equipment Plus…At No Extra Charge: Heater and Defroster, Directional Signal Lights, Full Service Warranty


Something new has been added to Town Players’ public costume ball which is to be held in the Alexandria Room of Edmond Town Hall on Saturday evening, January 14, with the announcement this week that members will be able to rent costumes through the group’s wardrobe department. The fee will be 50 cents, plus the cost of returning costumes to the Town Players dry cleaned.


The Bee is in receipt of two communications from servicemen this week expressing their thanks to those responsible for seeing to it that they receive the hometown paper each week. Readers will recall that the Newtown Rotary Club volunteered to underwrite the cost of the undertaking several years ago.

December 26, 1930

A sad accident indeed was that which took place on Monday afternoon, when George Erb of Dodgingtown fell from the roof of the residence of Miss Katherine S. Drier, in Long Ridge district in Redding. Mr Erb slipped from the roof and fell headlong to the ground, a distance of nearly thirty feet, fracturing his skull. Extensive alterations and improvements are being made to the main residence on Miss Drier’s estate and a large crew of men is at work.


Getting a square meal 50 years from now will be a very simple matter. Just swallow a pill and you’ve had a seven-course dinner. Just one of the quaint customs of 1980. You’ll see how it’s done in DeSylva, Brown and Henderson’s “Just Imagine” coming to the Edmond Town Hall Theater New Year’s Night, January 1.


On New Year’s Eve, a special full course chicken dinner will be served at the Palace Restaurant. Dinner will be served from 8 o’clock on. Special music for dancing is engaged.


An automobile operated by Dr C. Leo Delohery of Danbury, struck but only slightly injured Robert Verrille, six years old, in Newtown about 8:30 o’clock, Friday morning. The accident occurred nearly in front of the High school, where the small boy is a pupil. The lad had just stepped from his father’s car and darted across the road. The boy was knocked down by the car.


The third annual banquet of the Newtown Chamber of Commerce was held on Thursday evening, in the Alexandria room at the Edmond Town Hall and was a highly enjoyable and social success. Young people from the Young People’s Fellowship of St John’s Church did the honors as waiters and waitresses.


The Pageant of the Nativity was given in a very reverent and beautiful manner, Tuesday night, at the Congregational church by 40 young people of the church and Sunday School under the direction of Rev Paul A. Cullens and Mrs Charles Goodsell. The march of the angels and the lighting of the candles added to the beauty of the service.

December 29, 1905

Daniel Houlihan, 46 years of age, son of Patrick Houlihan of Hawleyville, was found dead, cut to pieces at the Tunnel, Thursday morning.


The big pig at the Grand Central stables was not slaughtered, Saturday, owing to the bad weather. The killing will now take place Wednesday afternoon, January 3.


S.M. Spedon, the noted cartoonist and entertainer, will appear at the Town hall, Saturday evening, in the Men’s club course. If you want a hearty laugh over pure and innocent fun do not fail to attend.


Every seat on the floor in the Congregational church was occupied, Tuesday night, at the Christmas entertainment, while 100 or more were accommodated in the galleries. The church interior had been prettily decorated, the posts being twined with greens. After a word of welcome, brief addresses were made by Superintendent A.P. Smith and the pastor, Rev R.E. Danforth. Children sang one hymn. At the close a rapping was heard on a side window and in came Santa Claus, climbing up on a ladder.


The souvenir book giving the account of Newtown’s Bi-centennial celebration of August 5, 1905, is now well under way and is expected to be ready for delivery about the middle of January. The edition will be 500 copies. The 500 orders first received will be sure of being filled.

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