Salvation Army Newtown Unit Offers Its Thanks
To the Editor:
Thank you to all those that participated to make our December 2023 Red Kettle collection a success. Volunteer ringers were out in force during the last two weekends to ring the bells around town to raise funds to help their neighbors in Newtown. Your efforts raised $8,000. This money along with corporate donations and the funds provided by our Connecticut Divisional HQ will go directly to families that Newtown Human Services Department helps identify.
We want to express our thanks to the many faithful volunteers who rang. Some of our volunteers rang multiple times and we really appreciate their support in helping us fill all the one-hour time slots. We are also grateful to the following local store owners and managers at Bagel Delight, Newtown General Store, Dunkin’ Donuts, Yankee Wine & Liquor, Bottle Stop, Caraluzzi’s, and Stop & Shop. They allow us to make noise and general Christmas spirit in front of their stores during this time and we could not do it without them. We would also like to thank Newtown Savings Bank for their continued generosity in supporting us with volunteers and funding.
The local unit of the Salvation Army in partnership with the Newtown Human Services Department addresses emergency needs of Newtown residents. Ninety percent of the money raised from our December and July collections stay in Newtown to help those in need of assistance. We also want to thank Natalie Jackson, director of the Newtown Human Services Department; Jacqueline Watson, caseworker; and their staff for all that they do to make sure that the Salvation Army funds get to those in need.
If you are interested in helping out on the local committee or volunteering for our next collection, please contact me at or the Newtown unit at
Glenn Nanavaty, President
Salvation Army Newtown Unit