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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Council Disagrees On Dueling Vice-Chair Nominations



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The Legislative Council meeting started off with a brief disagreement over who should be vice-chairman at its first meeting with its newly elected membership on December 6.

While the meeting was friendly and the commission seemed to be working well after that point, the point of contention began when the Democrats nominated Jordana Bloom as its vice-chairman pick, while the Republicans put forth Ben Ruben.

Democrat Keith Alexander had just been voted in unanimously, with Eric Paradis speaking to his nomination.

Alexander noted that his interest as chair would be to make sure that all council members are heard.

When nominations for vice-chair came open, unaffiliated-but-Democrat-aligned member Steve Hinden put forth Bloom.

Hinden said that Bloom had served two prior terms on the Legislative Council and that he didn’t think “there is anyone more qualified.”

“She has been a tireless volunteer for the town and will be an outstanding vice-chairman,” said Hinden.

Democrat Heather Dean also spoke on Bloom’s behalf, saying that she met Bloom when Dean first moved to town, and Dean was “impressed with the depth and breadth of her knowledge of the policies, makeup, and personalities of the town.”

“She is experienced with working with both sides as well,” said Dean. “She is an extraordinary example of bipartisanship and working together for a goal.”

Republican Tom Long then nominated Ruben.

“I think voting Ben as the vice-chairman would signal the spirit of bipartisanship,” said Long. “He has served in the same capacity on the Newtown Community Center Commission. “This will show the voters that their voice has been heard with a 7-5 board.”

Republican John Zachos said Ruben was “great at fostering relationships and friends, regardless of which side of the aisle.”

“It would be a nice gesture for him to be allowed to participate in some of the formalities on the council,” said Zachos. “It would be a signal for the commitment we all made to work in a bipartisan manner.”

When the vote was taken, Alexander, Bloom, Dean, Hinden, Paradis, Laura Miller, and Chris Gardner voted for Bloom, while Zachos, Ruben, Long, Jennifer Nicoletti, and Derek Pisani voted for Ruben; meaning the vote went along party lines.

Editor Jim Taylor can be reached at jim@thebee.com.

Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. qstorm says:

    Same as it ever was. ‘the vote went along party lines’. Get used to it. ‘unaffiliated-but-Democrat-aligned member Steve Hinden’ why can’t he call himself a Democrat?

  2. dc says:

    Oh dear Q – how about a cup of kindness?

    1. qstorm says:

      Small town politics and small town people. What fun.

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