Turn Darkness To Light
To the Editor:
I write this on 12/14, knowing that the event of which I write has already taken place.
As I awoke, this morning, December 14, this image came to me, initially to my intellect and quickly progressing to my heart. “Then, I saw a new heaven and a new earth and the first earth had disappeared… I saw the holy city, and the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…” These words, of course, are taken from the New Testament Book of Revelation, the 21st chapter. Yes, I know that there is more, much more, to St John’s revelation, but these words, this image, was merely to wake me up to the central thought on everyone’s mind, on this day of prayer and reflection, for the people of Sandy Hook/Newtown.
While we were somewhat restrained from coming together as in the past eight years, our Interfaith Council reached out through a virtual service and several churches celebrated private services to commemorate those innocent children and very dedicated teachers and administrators, who were called home that day to “that city where God lives among His people… and where He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and where there will be no more death and no more mourning or sadness.”
This letter, dear friends of Newtown, is not meant to water down the tragic event that occurred on that Friday of eight years ago. We should never forget. It is not written to rush the grieving process for anyone, especially the families of those who were taken from us that day. It is merely a reminder that the “Heavenly Jerusalem” is already among us, as is our God, Emmanuel. May we continue to hold each family in our hearts and share God’s peace with them in any form available.
Know that our loved ones are already enjoying God’s presence in that holy city where we will, one day, join them. Let us prepare to celebrate the re-enactment of Christmas and Hanukkah with an awareness of their never-ending presence in our lives. Let all darkness turn to light! Peace on earth; good will to all!
The Reverend Leo McIlrath
Sugarloaf Road, Sandy Hook December 18, 2020