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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Do The Right Thing



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To the Editor,

We write this letter on behalf of all students in Newtown who deserve better.

How long can we ride this roller coaster with our children learning remotely? Beginning in September with a hybrid model to then briefly having students in school full time is unacceptable. Recently, we reached a “two week” Thanksgiving quarantine that is now into six weeks. Dr Rodrigue informed parents that it was technically only five days that students would have been in school had we returned after Thanksgiving. That was five days that some families had to incur significant childcare costs before the holidays and five days that students could have learned in person from qualified educators.

We personally understand the effects of this virus as health care providers. Children are not dying from this virus. If they were, there is nowhere that we, as parents, would want them to be but in the safety of our homes. Numbers have increased slightly only because lives must go on and people need to go to work and conduct daily activities.

Children have been doing everything that has been asked of them, i.e., wearing masks six hours a day, hand sanitizing incessantly, and using shields around their desk. It has been nine months that we are dealing with a virus that will never go away, even in the presence of a vaccine. Influenza has never gone away, and the vaccine has not cured it. The DPH reports current CT hospitalizations for COVID-19 at 1,210 and comparatively 2,632 patients for influenza this flu season. Let’s use some logic, Dr Rodrigue, and start making realistic decisions that take into account more than just numbers fed to us by the mainstream media.

Parents have now been informed that students will return to a hybrid model on January 4th. Dr Rodrigue, we have now been quarantining for six weeks. According to the policies instituted, everyone should be safe after in essence quarantining for six weeks. Why are our students not returning to school full time? If we are not able to return full time, then that means policies held no weight previously saying that the children were transmitting the virus to the teachers. A hybrid model of two days a week no longer cuts it.

So many surrounding school districts have made full time in-school learning possible. Why can’t Newtown? Visit the Google classrooms to see the daily struggle these teachers and students face. There are many issues that are out of their control that will never change until we are back in school in person.

We realize that many of the teachers want to be with the students in person and we could not be more thankful for that. On the contrary, if certain teachers are too fearful to do so, the time has come to step aside for those that are willing and able to take their place. We ask that you do what is right for all and open schools full time permanently on January 4th.

Jesse and Mary Gregory

9 Valley Field Road South, Sandy Hook December 18, 2020

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