A Thank You Poem From Women Involved In Newtown
This decade unfolded with sorrow and grief,
Frustration became an unwanted motif.
Those feelings of helplessness, anger, despair,
Were burdens that everyone needed to bear.
A virus first raging in oversea nations
Impeded our health and our social relations.
The case numbers grew to a large epidemic,
Then quickly ballooned to a global pandemic.
And Newtown itself was feeling the pain:
The losses of jobs, the family-life strain,
Our schools shut their doors, the stock market fell,
And some of us bid our loved ones farewell.
In summer, a hurricane knocked out the power,
Tornados in autumn were violent and dour.
A time like no other – a terrible year,
With mountains of problems, intense and severe.
But you’ve been a light in these darkest of days,
By helping our town in some wonderful ways.
You’ve had your own losses, and sacrificed dearly,
Yet still found a way to donate sincerely.
Without ample help from good people like you,
Some families would have a tough time pulling through.
We members of WIN laud you highly with praise —
The love shown in Newtown will always amaze.
Lauren Clifford
Willow Brook Lane, Newtown December 18, 2020