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Confused By Satire And Sarcasm



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Confused By Satire And Sarcasm

To the Editor:

I’m still laughing over Michael Luzzi’s letter to the editor in December 10’s edition of The Bee [“What I Learned From Rush Limbaugh”]. He sure did take a long time to get to his point... Rush Limbaugh is a Big Meanie! What I find funny, and puzzling, is he’s using old words from the teleprompter-in-chief to create a path in order to insult Limbaugh. My favorite part of his letter is where he decides to “venture into the unfamiliar....territory of right-wing talk radio” by finding his way to YouTube. Is that serious? YouTube? Mr Luzzi, let me help you out, right-wing talk radio doesn’t broadcast on YouTube. To find it, you should actually tune into a local radio station, of which there are many, and listen to what’s said. You quote an excerpt from your “discovery” that was satire and sarcasm. Did you really not recognize it as such? If you did and wrote the letter anyway, that’s pathetic. If you didn’t, all I can say is wow!

People listen to, and right-wing talk radio is successful because of primarily one reason, content. If you don’t like the content, fine, but a majority of America thinks it’s valid. You can always tune into Air-America if it is still broadcasting. You spent ten percent of your 500 words describing how awful Limbaugh is. The same critical terms can be used on Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews, Stewart (Liebowitz), etc. The difference is conservatives recognize it all as commentary and don’t really get twisted up in knots over it. It’s always the liberals whining over Limbaugh, Palin, Hannity, Levin, Kudlow, etc. Why is that?

America repudiated liberalism a month ago. We said No to the newly exaggerated expansion of government payrolls, the expanding reach of government into our rights as citizens, we disagree that we should be compelled to purchase a service as a requirement of being a citizen. We think the government should reduce spending, set responsible budgets and minimize confiscatory tax policy. Their debate should be open to the public. We think members of Congress should actually read a bill before they sign it. They act as rulers instead of representatives. You should be as angry as I am at our government. Instead, your energy is wasted complaining about a sarcastic right-wing political commentator.

Joe Duffy

5 Thomas Circle, Sandy Hook                              December 14, 2010

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