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Newtown, CT, USA

Hawley's Holiday Bazaar Offers Students Time To Browse For Gifts



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The Hawley Elementary School multipurpose room was transformed into the PTA's Hawley Holiday Bazaar Monday, December 5, to Friday, December 9.

For the bazaar, decorated trees were on display and tables were covered in items for sale ranging from 25 cents to $4. All items were chosen as gift options for the students to purchase for family and friends ahead of the holidays. The event was a fundraiser for the school's PTA, and all the gift items were purchased for resale at the fundraiser. PTA Co-President Kristen Bonacci said some of the items were leftover from last year's holiday bazaar, but most were purchased ahead of the bazaar's opening.

On one table, a baseball hat with the words "#1 Dad" and pocket screwdrivers were on sale, at another students sorted through stuffed animals, and yet another offered holiday decorations.

As first graders entered the room on Tuesday, December 6, Hawley PTA members and educators were ready to assist students with choosing items and counting the proper amount of money to pay for all of their chosen goods.

Hawley first grader Jaiden Ramirez was all smiles as he looked for holiday gifts for his family members. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
First grader Emma Dever browsed possible gifts for her family on Tuesday, December 6, at the Hawley Holiday Bazaar. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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