Start Communicating By Listening
Start Communicating
By Listening
To the Editor:
Once again the tail (school administration) is wagging the dog (Board of Education). Why do they feel the need to retain professional services to communicate with the rest of Newtown?
I think the best place to start any type of communication is by listening. This is apparently not one of the tools they value. It seems to me the administrationâs tool box consists only of hammers and not one feeler gauge. In fact, isnât the superintendentâs performance rating based in part on communication skills â or did I miss something? For what we are paying her, she should put Edward R. Murrow to shame!
Letâs set that aside for the moment. I wonder where the funds are coming from to pay this consultant? Going beyond that, the purchasing regulations of Newtown require sealed bids for any professional service contract over $10,000.
Was a bid published? Who were the other bidders? Were the regulations followed. I see no evidence of that. Funny how nobody in the superintendentâs office knew anything about this when The Bee inquired.
The Board of Education needs to void this contract and for the long-term contain the administrationâs ever-present urge to wander off the reservation.
R.P. Gottmeier
13 Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook                         December 9, 2011