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Newtown Hikers Announces Winter Schedule For 2005: Pack Snowgear!



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Newtown Hikers Announces Winter Schedule For 2005: Pack Snowgear!

Newtown Hikers is on a break during the holiday season, but will resume its weekly hiking series on Saturday, January 7.

Newtown Hikers is an open group that welcomes anyone interested in hiking and the outdoors. There is no membership fee, and newcomers are always welcome.

All hikes are moderate unless otherwise stated and last three to five hours plus driving time.

Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by adults. Bring lunch and beverages. Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended, and dressing for the weather is a must.

Hikes leave from the lower rear parking lot of Edmond Town Hall, at 45 Main Street in Newtown.

The winter schedule is as follows:

January 7, Rockefeller Preserve, Tarrytown, N.Y. (leader is Nancy Ziegler, 203-732-2618);

January 14, Steep Rock, Washington (Mary Jo Zemitis, 203-263-3683);

January 21, Cranberry Mountain dirt road hike, Patterson, N.Y. (Liz Cowen, 845-878-6104);

January 28, Huntington State Park, Weston (Evelyn Schonberg, 426-0425);

February 4, dirt road hike along Housatonic River, Salisbury (Rita Qubick, 268-4119);

February 11, NY City to China Town & Little Italy w/ leader Molly Schleis (748 5202), plan on all day with train ride into the city and dinner out, depart Newtown 10:30 am, bring lunch to eat on train, arrive 12:35 pm, estimated cost for train & dinner $45 (adults) or $33 (seniors);

February 18, Ragged Mountain, New Britain (Dale Rupert, 794-9350);

February 25, Bennett’s Pond Trails, Ridgefield (Mary Jo Zemitis, 203-263-3683);

March 4, Lake Waramaug Pinnacle, New Preston (Mike Cianciolo, 860-355-5896);

March 11, Southbury Preserve, Southbury (Ester Nichols, 788-1398);

March 18, Lake Waramaug, Rangers’ Area, New Preston (Claire Sivacek, 744-0086);

March 25, Naugatuck Forest, Oxford (Tim Hanbury, 203-888-3025), short hike followed by potluck lunch & spring hike planning, call Tim for food coordination.

To receive a list of the hiking schedules for a full year, send $3 with name and address to Claire Sivacek, 114 Stadley Rough Road, Danbury CT 06811, or email a request to Ester Nichols at pilgrim555@sbcglobal.net. Copies of the schedule will be sent upon receipt of request.

Hikers participate at their own risk and must sign a release for the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department.

If you want to meet the group at a different point, call the leader listed for each hike. Participants should also call the hike leader if the weather is doubtful.

For further information call Mrs Nichols, 788-1398 or send her an email at Pilgrim555@sbcglobal.net, or Newtown Parks & Rec at 270-4340.

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