Michelle Licitra Fajardo
Michelle Licitra Fajardo
and Brendan Carl Trillhaase
Debra and Karsten Trillhaase, Sandy Hook, announce the engagement of their son, Brendan Carl, to Michelle Licitra Fajardo, Garden City, N.Y., daughter of Dr Manuel and Mary Fajardo of Garden City.
Brendan is a 1998 graduate of Frankfurt International School. He graduated from Drew University in 2001 and received his MBA from the University of Connecticut in 2005. He is employed as a strategic marketing analyst by GE Capital.
The bride-to-be graduated from Garden City High School in 1999 and from Drew University in 2003. She is employed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities compliance examiner.
The couple met while attending Drew University in 2000 and were engaged November 27; an autumn wedding in 2007 is planned.