A Neighborhood Disruption
A Neighborhood Disruption
(The following letter to the Planning & Zoning Commission has been received for publication.)
To the Planning & Zoning Commission:
I would like to register my extreme opposition to the proposed condo development on Alberts Hill Road.
My house is around a curve and across the street from the property in question. I have many concerns but paramount to me personally are environmental and traffic issues.
I consider this part of Sandy Hook to be among the most beautiful and unspoiled areas in our town. I moved to Alberts Hill Road primarily to enjoy quiet, peace, and relative isolation. I knew that Eagle Hill would eventually be developed but assumed that it would be single-family residential, not a condo complex. The disruption to our neighborhood would be extreme. There is a lot of wildlife making its home in our area, including bald eagles. I donât think that a large project like this one would be conducive to their continued survival. McLaughlin Vineyard is an example of a commercial venture which promotes the beauty of our environment and is thriving with minimal disruption.
A condo complex such as the one proposed would also add a huge traffic burden to our street and those surrounding us. I have two children, one of which is a teenaged driver. I would no longer be confident of the safety of our street if this zoning is approved. In spite of the traffic studies done by the developer, common sense tells us that active adults in an $800,000 condo would own one to two cars. This puts an additional 55 to 110 cars on our roads. Adults 55 and over are not bedridden and, if my 73-year-old parents are any example, have a number of outside activities, interests, and needs that necessitate driving. Our road is narrow, curvy, and dark. I am positive that this is not a safe situation for walkers or for drivers.
I pray that you will decide against this proposed zoning change. I have confidence in your desire to preserve the quality of life in our town.
Thank you,
Linda Weber
25 Alberts Hill Road, Sandy Hook                        December 8, 2005