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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

ArtsPower Theatre Presentation At Head O' Meadow



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An ArtsPower National Touring Theatre production of From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler was shown for a full school assembly at Head O’ Meadow Elementary Schoolon Friday, December 4.

Head O’ Meadow lead teacher Carol Danenberg welcomed the students to the assembly and shared that the presentation was made possible thanks to the school’s PTA.

The theater production was based on a book by the same title by author E.L. Konigsburg, and told the story of two children who run away from home and choose to live in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

A packet for students and teachers to learn about the performance was also shared throughout the school and the book.

ArtsPower National Touring Theatre actors in the performance were Amanda Leakey, Dillon May, Adam Mosebach, and Amalia Tollas. ArtsPower National Touring Theatre stage manager Martha Beggerly was also on hand for the production.

From left, Amanda Leakey, Adam Mosebach, Dillon May, and Amanda Leakey performed in a ArtsPower National Touring Theatre production of From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler at Head O’ Meadow Elementary School on Friday, December 4, for a full school assembly.    
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