NUMC Filled Two Gift Arks For Heifer International
NUMC Filled Two Gift Arks
 For Heifer International
In partnership with congregations around the world, Heifer International is an ark of refuge for hungry families. Heifer puts faith into action with its time-proven principle of âpassing on the gift.â
Since 1944, Heifer International has helped millions of struggling families become more self-reliant by providing food and income-producing animals and training in their care. Heifer joins with people of faith everywhere to work for the dignity and well-being of all people wherever they live. Every family who receives livestock agrees to pass on one or more of its animalâs offspring, or the equivalent, to another neighbor in need. Project partners pass on new ways of animal husbandry and land management, too â a rainbow of hope for the whole community.
This year, the members of Newtown United Methodist Church partnered with Heifer International, and, through their generosity, have filled more than two Gift Arks. A Gift Ark brings hope to many hungry families and supports the entire mission of Heifer International.
Each Gift Ark is equal to two flocks of chicks, two llamas, six geese, two sheep, two goats, two camels, six rabbits, two donkeys, two oxen, two beehives, six ducks, two water buffalo, two guinea pigs, two pigs, and two cows.
NUMC was able to provide the two Gift Arks after raising $10,950 during the past year. This was done through a number of fundraising efforts: The NUMC Outreach Committee sponsored a Fall Luncheon & Fashion Show with proceeds totaling $1,700; The NUMC Youth Group sponsored a Fall Pumpkin Sale with proceeds totaling $455; The NUMC Church School filled Ark Banks totaling $220; and some members honored and remembered loved ones by donating animals.
A check was delivered by members of NUMCâs congregation and the 2008 NUMC Confirmation Class to Heifer Internationalâs Overlook Farm in Rutland, Mass., on December 9, during the farmâs 2007 Living Nativity Presentation.