Homes From The Heart
A collection of 26 birdhouses and feeders have been hand painted with love and care by Girl Scout Troop 50599 and Girl Scout Troop 50059 members to honor the victims of 12/14.
The houses and feeders were hung on a birch tree in Ram Pasture on Wednesday, December 12, by the Girl Scouts and their leaders — Clare Harrison and Gina Wolfman, who lead Troop 50599, and Nancy Gotschlich, leader of Troop 50059. Eighth grader Elle Sauli thought of the idea last spring, and researched the interests, hobbies, and passions of each person being honored.
Nancy Duffy, former co-leader of Troop 50059 and a Sandy Hook Elementary School staff member, coordinated with teachers at the school to help with the project. Rob Kaiser, a troop 50599 dad and Newtown Cultural Arts Commission representative, donated the name plates.
The girls gathered together to share some thoughts, including a recitation of “My Beautiful Town” by Jim Allyn, on Wednesday.
The project will remain at Ram Pasture until January 1. Troop leaders plan on hanging the birdhouses somewhere in town as an annual tradition.