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Scholarships Available

The Newtown High School Career Center publicizes all scholarships of which it is notified.

A few of the scholarships, typically national ones, request that money be enclosed with the application. The Career Center believes that students should not have to pay to apply for scholarships. If a student chooses to apply for a scholarship that charges a fee, however, the Career Center strongly advises parents and students to check its authenticity through the FTC Consumer Response Center, www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP; the National Fraud Information Center, www.fraud.org or 800-876-7060; or the Better Business Bureau, www.bbg.org or 703-276-0100.

Full details on all scholarships are available at the high school Career Center.

Discover Scholarship Program — The Discover Scholarship Program is for high school juniors to applaud exemplary accomplishments and to support continued education and training beyond high school. The scholarships can be used for any type of post-high school education or training —certification, licensing, two- or four-year trade and technical school, or two- or four-year college. To be eligible, a junior must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 and excel in three areas: leadership, community service, and obstacles overcome. There is no limit to the number of juniors from NHS who may apply. All applications must be submitted by January 31. Interested students should go to www.discoverfinancial.com/community/scholarship.shtml  for applications and information about previous winners.

RMHC US Scholarship Program — Students of all ethnic backgrounds who face limited access to educational and career opportunities are eligible to apply for Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarships. Current high school seniors who will attend a two- or four-year college or university full-time are eligible. Applicants must be legal US residents. Applications can be downloaded from www.RMHC.org or are available in the Career Center. The deadline is February 16.

DuPont Challenge Science Essay Awards Competition — Students in grades 7 through 12 who are US citizens are eligible to participate in this annual science essay contest. Essays must be between 700 and 1,000 words discussing a scientific discovery, theory, event, or technology application. The top prize in each category is an all-expense paid trip to Walt Disney World and Kennedy Space Center. Complete details are available at www.thechallenge.dupont.com. All essays must be submitted online by January 31.

Wal-Mart Scholarships — Wal-Mart has four distinct national scholarship programs for graduating high school seniors. Awards range from $1,000 renewable scholarships to $10,000 awards paid out over four years of college study. Three scholarship programs are open to employees or their dependents. The fourth program is open to applicants without an employment connection to Wal-Mart and is called the Sam Walton Community Scholarship. These one-time $3,000 awards are based on the student’s demonstrated need, academic achievements and records, school and community activities and leadership. Complete information is available at www.walmartfoundation.org. The application deadline is January 31.

SAMMY 2009 (Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year) — Milk processors in partnership with USA Today recognize 25 graduating high school student athletes throughout the nation with a $7,500 scholarship for their achievements in academics, athletics, community service, and leadership. Winners will also receive an all expense paid trip to Disneyworld. Teachers, coaches, principals, guidance counselors, athletic directors and relatives are encouraged to nominate a student athlete for the SAMMY 2009 Awards. As part of the nomination form, each applicant will be required to write a 250-word essay about “How Milk Has Helped in My Academics and/or Athletics.” Applicants must register and apply online at www.bodybymilk.com by March 6.

American Museum of Natural History — Students plan their own scientific expedition project and submit an essay with their findings for this national contest. Two winners from each grade will be selected to receive cash awards and travel to New York City for an all-expense-paid trip to attend the awards ceremony at the museum and to take a behind-the-scenes tour. Senior prizewinners will receive $2,500 and juniors will receive $2,000. All details about the contest are available online at www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/youngnaturalistawards/select.html. The contest is open to all high school grades. The deadline for entries is March 2.

American Chemical Society Scholars Program — The American Chemical Society offers renewable scholarships of up to $2,500 per year for underrepresented entering minority college students who are high academic achievers in who plan to major in chemistry or chemistry-related sciences. Applications are available online at www.chemistry.org and must be submitted by March 1.

AXA Achievement Community Scholarship — Every branch office of AXA Advisors will award up to 12 nonrenewable scholarships of $2,000 to local high school seniors in cooperation with Scholarship America. Applicants are asked to describe an outstanding achievement they have accomplished in a nonacademic activity or project. The accomplishment may be a long-term achievement, an activity, or a project that occurred in their school, in the community, or in the workplace. All scholarship information is available at www.axa-achievement.com. The application deadline is February 15.

Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship — The Elks will award 500 four-year scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 per year, to graduating high school seniors who will attend four-year colleges/universities. Applicants will be evaluated on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. Interested students may download the application from the national website at www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm. It must be submitted to the local Danbury Elks lodge (the nearest lodge to Newtown) by January 9. Applications must advance through local, district, and state competition to reach the national competition.

Elks Legacy Awards — The Elks National Foundation will award $4,000 renewable scholarships to high school seniors who are children, grandchildren, or legal wards of living Elks in good standing. Up to 250 scholarships for college will be awarded. The selection committee will evaluate applications based on the core values of integrity, knowledge, charity, and community. Connecticut will award five scholarships of this type. Applications are available at www.elks.org/enf/scholars/legacy.cfm. Applications must be postmarked to the Elks National Foundation by January 9.

Stewart Book Award — The Stewart Book Award is a one-time $500 award to a graduating senior from Newtown High School who attended Hawley Elementary School. The award is designed to offset the cost of books during the student’s first year of college. Applicants must be accepted into an institution of higher learning for the fall of 2009 — a community college, state, or private college or university. An essay in response to a question about the impact of a book or short story in the student’s life is a major part of the application. Applications are available in the Career Center. All applications must be postmarked by April 30. The award recipient will be notified in writing on or before May 25.

Naugatuck Valley Community Collage Scholarship in Electronic Engineering Technology — This scholarship program is for up to 15 high school seniors or recent high school graduates who want to pursue a NVCC associates degree in electronic engineering technology and meet the eligibility requirements of NVCC. The amount of the scholarship will cover full tuition and fees (including a book allowance) for up to two years of college undergraduate study at NVCC. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic record, placement test results, demonstrated leadership, extracurricular school activities, community service, work experience, goals and aspirations, and the completed application. The applicant’s readiness for placement into college algebra and English composition courses will be a significant determinant. Interested graduating seniors should see Mrs Latowicki in the Career Center for applications and additional information. The deadline is December 15.

BioDreaming 2009 Poster Competition — The Biotechnology Institute is sponsoring a national poster competition for all students K–12 in public or private schools. The posters should showcase the role that biotechnology plays in our lives, the community, and/or the world. The first place winner in each of the four age-range categories will be awarded $500; second place, $250; third place, $100. The top 12 winners in each category will be invited to a recognition celebration in Indianapolis in July. Complete information is available at www.biotechinstitute.org/programs/biodreaming.html. Scientific accuracy is one of the six criteria for judging posters in this competition. The submission deadline is February 27.

National Co-op Scholarship Program — The National Commission for Cooperative Education offers renewable merit co-op scholarships to high school seniors who are planning to participate in a college cooperative education. Applicants must have GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. The program’s ten partner colleges/universities are Drexel University, Pace University, Johnson & Wales, Rochester Institute of Technology, Kettering University, University of Cincinnati, C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, University of Toledo, Northeastern University, and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Early applications are highly encouraged for this program. The website is www.co-op.edu. All applications must be postmarked by February 15.

National Peace Essay Contest — A national essay contest that is sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace for students in grades nine through 12. “Confronting Crimes against Humanity” is the 2009 essay topic. First place State winners are expected to receive scholarships of $1,000 and will compete for a National Award of $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000. First place State winners will also be invited to attend an all-expense paid awards program in Washington, D.C., in June. Essays will be judged on the basis of focus, organization, analysis, style, originality, voice, and conclusions. Complete contest details are available at www.usip.org. The postmark deadline is February 1.

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