Occupation: I am the manger of McLaughlin Vineyards in Sandy Hook. I oversee private parties there, weekend entertainment, the gift shop, and wine tastings.
Occupation: I am the manger of McLaughlin Vineyards in Sandy Hook. I oversee private parties there, weekend entertainment, the gift shop, and wine tastings.
Family: My husband, John, and I have been married 18 years. We have three boys, Mac, who is 14; Wesley, 12; and Christian, who is 10 years old.
Pets: We have Mischa, a Hungarian Pumi, a small sheep-herding dog. She is 2½ years old and very smart. We also have a cat, La Femme Nikita, or Kiki as we call her, who is our mouse assassin. And we have four fish.
What do you like to do in your free time? The free time I have is spent playing with the dog and hanging with my boys. And I do like to hike.
Do you have a favorite McLaughlin wine? My favorite, which we are presently out of, is the Vista Reposa, a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Franc grapes. My favorite white wine is the Blue Coyote, a great picnic wine made from Vidal and Aurora grapes.
Do you have a favorite vacation destination? Close by, would be Chatham in Cape Cod. And visiting any of the Connecticut wineries is a fun day trip. One of the best places we go as a family is to my aunt and uncleâs Stonehenge Farm in Illinois. Itâs just beautiful.
What is the best thing about Newtown? The schools, for the most part. The people are so friendly, of course, and I love the open spaces in town for hiking and dog walking and outdoor activities.
If you could travel to the past or future, which would you choose? I would have to say the future. Iâd like to know what will it be like for our children and future generations.
Do you have a personal philosophy? Pay it forward. Do unto others, would probably be my credo.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? When the house is empty, I like to rent a chick flick on Pay Per View. With all guys in the house, I donât get to do that too often.