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An Obligation To Educate



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To the Editor:

I am writing to express my concern and sadness for the children and families of Newtown. The current remote learning model has had a devastating effect on our kids and families. I feel that under the leadership of the current BOE and superintendent, Newtown Schools are failing our children.

I used to think I was alone in my desire of wanting my children to be in school, of enduring the hardship and burden of finding immediate child care and the costs that are associated with it. Recently I realized I am not alone, that there are at least 90 other families feeling the financial pain of working and trying to find child care and/or being forced to quit their jobs to be home with their children serving as faux educators.

I question the contradictory decision of cohorts on two days, then allowing these same children to attend the Community Center or NYA on the opposite days, only to cross contaminate when they go back to school.

I struggle to understand how 80 percent of our tax dollars go to education in Newtown, yet our children are being denied that education. In August when cases were low and the governor said schools could open five days a week, our Superintendent went her own way and decided to open with the hybrid model. This denied our children four weeks of in person learning. The education deficit that is being forced on our children is irreparable.

Other towns such as Westport have shown a level of creativity in getting their kids back to school that Newtown sadly lacks. Why are we depriving our children of this creativity in getting back to the classroom? The governor has eased restrictions on qualifications needed for substitute teachers. Why aren’t we taking advantage of this and getting our schools back in session? I know many parents, including myself, that would be willing to make the sacrifice of serving as a substitute if it meant opening the schools.

I understand many teachers are fearful of the virus and rightfully so, however, these teachers have a job to do. No one is equipped to handle a pandemic, no one could have predicted this, but despite the fear we must carry on. I personally have had to report to work every day during this entire ordeal and I do it dutifully. The reason for this is, it is my job and obligation.

I credit the phenomenal teachers at HOM and Reed School. They have been the only reason why my children are not falling behind as precipitously as they may have otherwise been in this dreadful model. It pains me to imagine how much they could thrive if given more time in the classroom with these remarkable educators.

I implore the BOE and superintendent to put fears aside, continue to be safe and cautious as we have all been, and come through for our children.

It’s not only the administration’s job, it’s their moral obligation!

Thank you,

Angela Curi

3 Glenmor Drive, Newtown December 11, 2020

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