Toys For Tots
Toys For Tots
To the Editor:
The Newtown Police Union would like to thank all of those involved in another successful Toys For Tots event, which was held on December 4 in front of TJ Maxx.
We would like to give a special thanks to The Meat House, 266 South Main Street, for all their help and for donating 100 $5 gift cards to all those who donated a toy and keeping the volunteers well fed.
We would also like to thank everyone who donated their time and presents for such a good cause. Anyone who was unable to drop off unwrapped gifts and wish to do so may drop them off at Coldwell Banker Real Estate at 45 South Main Street.
Best holiday wishes,
Detective Daniel McAnaspie
Vice President Newtown Police Union
PO Box 3354, Newtown                                            December 6, 2010