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Safety In And Around The Skate Park



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Safety In And Around

The Skate Park

To the Editor:

First, let me say that I commend those who worked extremely hard to get the skate park built at Dickinson Park. I do not have a child who is interested in this activity, but it is a wonderful thing that has been done for the children of Newtown.

However, as a resident who lives next to the park and drives Elm Drive several times a day, I must address a concern. Since the skate park has opened, there has not been a day where children have been skateboarding down Elm Drive wearing no protective gear and do not move out of the way of the cars that are driving down Elm. They continue boarding side-by-side or zigzag between the cars. Friday afternoon and weekends are the worst times.

Today I witnessed a child almost get hit because he was not paying attention to what he was doing and was oblivious to the traffic coming in both directions. I know I am not the only concerned parent, as I have heard it from many in our neighborhood.

Parents, please discuss this with your children, as it is for their own safety. I would hate for anyone to lose a child or someone to have to deal with the guilt of hitting a child. If children want to utilize the skateboard park, either a parent should drive them there, as many do, or the skateboarders should walk to the park, not get on their skateboards as a means of transportation on our main roads.

Joann Bissonnette

15 Bonnie Brae Drive, Newtown                             December 3, 2010

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