Making A Difference In A Girl's Life
Making A Difference In A Girlâs Life
To the Editor:
I would like to express my gratitude to the tens of thousands of people across the state who help to make Girl Scouting in Connecticut possible. The support our volunteers give through their time, talents, and generous donations is both appreciated and needed.
At Girl Scouts of Connecticut our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. To succeed, we depend on dedicated volunteers from every town and neighborhood in Connecticut. We have many amazing and inspiring volunteers, but we need more. Due to a shortage of adult volunteers, there are girls in your town who are waiting for a Girl Scout troop to form, a leadership program to be delivered, or a fun event to be lead by an adult.
As we enter this season of giving, please consider giving your time to make a difference in a girlâs life.
With the guidance of caring adults, more than 44,000 Girl Scouts across this state are discovering themselves and the needs in their community, connecting with others to find solutions through cooperation, and taking action to make the world a better place.
A network of involved adults in a childâs life can help her become the type of person she wants to be in the world, showing her that her actions today play a role in determining her future. Sharing a little of your time and talents with a girl can help her develop life skills, discover the thrill of accomplishment, and encourage her to believe in herself and her dreams.
Toys and video games may be forgotten by next year, but the influence one caring adult has on a child will last a lifetime.
Please join us as we change the world, one girl at a time.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Jennifer Smith Turner
Girl Scouts of Connecticut, CEO
87 Washington Avenue, Bridgeport                       December 6, 2010