Farewell And Thank You
To the Editor:
It has been my distinct honor and privilege to serve [the 112th District] as your state representative for the past 12 years. Through good times and devastating loss I have always striven to represent your views and concerns at the Capitol, and to answer your questions about state government, with understanding, compassion and respect.
Throughout my tenure I have met hundreds of wonderful people who willingly and selflessly give so much to make our community, and our state, a better place to live, work and raise a family. I could never name each person who has had a profound effect on me personally or professionally so I’d like offer a sincere thank you to all. Whether you know it or not, each of you has contributed to my success in immeasurable ways.
There have been many legislative achievements I will look back on fondly, but I’m most proud of the work I did fighting for better educational opportunities for our children, better mental health services for all, preserving open space and protecting historic traditions unique to our state. Of course, no one is able to do anything alone, especially within state government, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the legislators - both former and current - who always did what they felt was best for their constituents, the support staff who helped me with challenging issues and legislation, and the concerned citizens who reached out to offer criticism, praise and ideas on how to make Connecticut better.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported me during this incredible ride. The men and women of Monroe and Newtown are second-to-none and I’m a better person for having been so lovingly embraced in the community.
On January, 6th, 2015 I will officially retire from elected office and you will be represented by the confident and capable
J.P. Sredzinski. I know he will work as hard as I did to make sure the people of the 112th are taken care of during each and every issue. Please do not hesitate to contact him if you need assistance or have questions regarding state government.
I wish you Peace, joy, prosperity, and a life filled with love,
DebraLee Hovey
296 Fan Hill Road, Monroe December 9, 2014