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Sunday, December 10



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Sunday, December 10

Newtown Holiday Craft Festival, 11 am–5 pm, Edmond Town Hall gymnasium, 45 Main Street, free admission, featuring many area crafters; 261-2414.

Monday, December 11

Middle Gate Elementary School Chorus Winter Concert, 7:30 pm, Middle Gate School, 12 Cold Spring Road (snow date January 3); 426-7662.

Tuesday, December 12

Public Safety Committee for Garner Correctional Institution, 5 pm, Booth Library, 25 Main Street.

Conservation Commission, 6 pm, town offices, 31 Peck’s Lane.

Parks and Recreation Commission, 6 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.

Charter Revision Commission, 7 pm, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street.

Borough Board of Burgesses, 7:30 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.

Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers, 7:30 pm, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street.

Middle Gate Elementary School Winter Concert, 7:30 pm, at Middle Gate School, 12 Cold Spring Road (snow date January 4); 426-7662.

Head O’ Meadow Elementary School Winter Concert, 7:30 pm, Head O’ Meadow School, 94 Boggs Hill Road (snow date January 3); 426-7670.


Wednesday, December 13

Genealogy Club of Newtown meeting, 7 pm, C.H. Booth Library meeting room, 25 Main Street, free, presentation by professional genealogist Sandy Slifka on using land records to further genealogical research; 426-3889.

NHS Winter Concert Part I, 7 pm, at Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, performances by Concert Band, Symphonic Band, String Ensemble, and Freshman Choir (snow date December 20); 426-7646.

Inland Wetlands Commission, 7:30 pm, town offices, 31 Peck’s Lane.

Thursday, December 14

NHS Winter Concert Part II, 7 pm, Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, performances by Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Concert Choir, and Chamber Choir; 426-7646.

Water and Sewer Authority, 7:30 pm, sewage treatment plant offices, 24 Commerce Road.

Friday, December 15



Just Friends, 7–9 pm, Newtown United Methodist Church, 92 Church Hill Road, social group for widows and widowers (not a bereavement support group); 426-7886.

NYS Art Show opening, 7–9 pm, Newtown Youth Services, 10 Glen Road, opening reception for exhibition showcasing the work of young artists Jessica Halloran and Shannon Hayes, artist’s talk to be given at 8; 270-4335.

Saturday, December 16

Living Nativity, 6:30 pm, St Rose of Lima Church, 46 Church Hill Road (snow date December 17), church members and live animals will reenact The First Christmas with scripture and song, followed by hot chocolate and cookies in parish hall, all welcome; 426-1014.

Sunday, November 17

“O Come, Let Us Adore Him!” 3 pm, St Rose of Lima Church, 46 Church Hill Road, free admission (donations accepted), special Christmas and holiday music festival by The Choirs of St Rose, soloists and readers, to be directed by Joseph J. Jacovino, preconcert entertainment at 2:30, also postperformance reception; 426-1014.

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