Many Helped With 'A Christmas Carol'
Many Helped With
âA Christmas Carolâ
To the Editor:
On behalf of Newtown Youth & Family Services and the Newtown Prevention Council, Iâd like to thank the many people who assisted with last Sundayâs production of A Christmas Carol.
Reed Intermediate School Custodial Staff: Rich Mills, Ron Paterson, Jim Lynch, and Tom OâNeill.
Reed Intermediate School Administrative Staff: Bea Gellert, Tony Salvatore, and Donna Denniston.
Reed Intermediate School Music Department: Bob Nolte and Michelle Tennenbaum.
Terry Polvey (lighting) and Robbin Chaber Allen and Tom Allen (sets, props, and makeup).
And last, but certainly not least, Gina Swanson, Reed teacher, and Cristin Carlin, director.
A Christmas Carol was a rare and precious opportunity to work with a caring community committed to providing quality after-school programs for children. The joy of the participants and the audience will remain in my heart forever and serve as a beacon for all future ideas that may benefit the kids of Newtown.
In the words of Tiny Tim: God Bless Us Everyone!
Beth Agen
Grant Coordinator
Newtown Prevention Council
17 Church Hill Road, Newtown                              December 5, 2007