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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NHS Student Starts Soles4Souls Drive For Eagle Scout Project



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Newtown High School senior Ethan Burg is collecting footwear at the high school, and other locations around town, to donate to the Soles4Souls organization, through December 18.

Ethan began the drive as his Eagle Scout Project for the Boy Scouts of America. Ethan is a member of Sandy Hook’s Troop 370.

“I like running,” said Ethan on Monday, November 23, standing near the collection box at the high school.

Having his Eagle Scout Project be a collection for Soles4Souls, Ethan said, “fit.”

“I thought it was a nice thing to do,” said Ethan.

Soles4Souls is a not-for-profit organization that, according to its website, soles4souls.org, seeks to fight poverty through the collection of and distribution of shoes and clothing.

For his collection, Ethan said people can donate their old and used footwear to help those in need. The shoes, according to Ethan, will help people live more comfortable live and will protect them from injury while providing a tool for a healthier and active life.

The shoe drive began on November 16 and runs through December 18.

Boxes for the collection are also located at the NYA Sports & Fitness Center, 4 Primrose Street within Fairfield Hills; Olympia Sports in the Sand Hill Plaza, 228 South Main Street; and New Balance on Stony Hill Road in Bethel.

Newtown High School senior and Boy Scout Ethan Burg stood with a box for his collection for Soles4Souls at the high school on Monday, November 23.
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