Back To School, Please
To the Editor:
Students deserve the chance to learn in school.
Recently the Newtown schools have decided to put students back into remote learning, citing health concerns related to COVID and staffing issues.
Despite medical experts, education professionals, and even our own governor pushing for in-person learning and citing the safety of schools during the pandemic, the BOE and superintendent have decided to once again put the children of Newtown on the sidelines.
To date there is no evidence of COVID transmission in schools. There is a big increase in mental illness and teen suicide that are being tied to the lack of normal routine and schooling for children.
The issue of staffing has been used as the main reason for closing the schools. Parents are now out of work so they can stay home and teach. I have not seen one request from the schools to hire parents to come in and support the staff at the schools to keep them open. Something many parents would gladly do.
The parents of Newtown have said overwhelmingly that they want the kids in school, yet the elected officials on the BOE refuse to do what they are tasked to do and represent the interest of there constituents.
The schools need to do what’s right. Put the kids back in school!
David Prud’homme
Mile Hill Road South, Newtown December 4, 2020