Two Powerhouse Teams
Two Powerhouse Teams
To the Editors;
In the year of UConn menâs and womenâs incredible twin championships, the Patriots continued success, and the Red Sox return to prominence, Newtown should take equal pride in our high school soccer program for winning the 2004 boyâs and girlâs state championships, and to The Bee for its outstanding reporting of their feat.
In a short period of years Brian Neumeyer and Rupert de los Reyes have successfully molded a talented group of young men and woman into two powerhouse teams who played with unmatched teamwork, determination, and skill against significant odds while motivated each other to back-to-back state titles. Their efforts have made Newtownâs soccer program the envy of the national soccer universe.
Credit also goes to Kim Harmon for his comprehensive reporting of this unique season, accurately documenting it for future generations. Few communities I know have a more professional journalist or dedicated publication so committed to the townâs youth and their successes. And, in this season, no one could have captured either teamâs successes as succinctly as Mr Harmon.
As we usher in our townâs tercentennial year, thanks to everyone involved for a truly brilliant effort that few communities may hope to ever attain.
Ray & Sue Shaw
55 Eden Hill Road, Newtown                            November 26, 2004